Saturday, June 28, 2008

Group Activity Presentations Summer 2008 POST Here

Please post your Group Activity Presentations which you are doing for our class.
You will post the material you create for ad use for the class session.

Further details: This entry will include links, your text descriptions, attached documents which you have permission to attach or are written by you, photos you can link to or have permission to post, and lists of resources. Of course any of the above- and more that you desire- but not everything would be expected. Use your judgment as to what excellent work would be for a full representation of your topic.

Deadline : Your signup date.

I hope you realize that this is going to be a great resource for all of you to use in the future!
Enjoy the experience in blogging and development- I am ready to assist. However the very best advice is to work ahead on this project and not leave it until the night before it is due.

Sincerely and virtually yours,
Dr King

Foundations on American Education with Dr. Kathy King

This published teacher resource is available for educators, teacher educators, and students around the globe to benefit from our collaborative work. We post some of our assignments in order to facilitate research, dialogue and understanding! © King, and learners, 2008

Students in the course will be posting their essays on critical topics in American education to this blog over the Summer 2008 semester.

Although our work will be different, an example of the type of blogging we will be doing can be seen from what we did last semester can be found at

Welcome to Foundations of American Education with Dr. Kathleen P. King